Help a little or a lot, all is Welcome!

Our Goal
The Panther Football Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit volunteer organization that supports the team in a variety of ways and includes parents, alumni, and friends of Heritage.
Our purpose is to lend all possible support, financial and nonfinancial, to the activities of Heritage High School (HHS) football program within the guidelines specified by HHS and Brevard Public Schools.
To Support student athletes and coaches in a positive way both on and off the field.

To Stimulate and sustain and enthusiastic interest among parents, football players, coaching staff, the HHS student body, administration, faculty, and members of the local community in the HHS football program.
To foster and promote a spirit of unity and goodwill among the members.

Panther Nation Club
Positions for 2023 Season Open!
Executive Board
- President:
- Vice President:
- Secretary:
- Treasure:
Appointed Positions

Position Descriptions
Fundraising & Sponsorship Coordinator
Responsible for solicitation of sponsors from businesses and individuals for all available program opportunities. Responsible for invoicing, collecting, and follow up of sponsorship funds from all sponsors in coordination with and supported by the Treasurer. Responsible for procuring and fulfilling sponsor deliverables according to contracts. Maintenance of ongoing record of sponsors, amounts invoiced, amounts collected, and accounts receivable in coordination with and supported by the Treasurer. Coordinates all fundraising events for the Panther Football Club. Solicits potential sponsors and other supporters through direct contact with community leaders and businesses. Responsible for identifying and researching various fundraising opportunities and providing recommendation to the Executive Board for discussion and approval. Ensures that there are no conflicts with existing fundraising programs being held or considered be the Head Football Coach and/or other athletic school organizations.
Merchandise Coordinator
Responsible for the overall strategy of merchandising for the up coming year, including products to be offered, planned selling location/events, and pricing considerations. With support from the President, discuss merchandise, including yard signs, and submits recommendations to the Board for selection. Once approved, orders products from vendors and follows up with vendors as necessary to ensure timely delivery and quality assurance of all items received. Schedules and staffs all merchandise sales events including all home games. Maintains and ongoing account of descriptions, quantities, and costs of all items ordered. Upon receipt of merchandise from vendors, checks quality and quantity of items received and provides approval to the Treasurer to pay invoice for such products. Promptly delivers all monies received to the Treasure for deposit into the Panther Football Club Bank account. Upon completion of the football season, secures all remaining products, compiles a listing of all unsold merchandise, and provides a recommendation to the Executive Board for training/disposing of such Items.
Game Day Coordinator
Responsible for the overall coordination of game activities including concessions, parking, merchandise tent, program sales, and any pregame, half-time, or post-game activities sponsored by the Panther Football Club. Responsible for planning and delivering post-game meals for the JV and Varsity football teams. Ensure all volunteers are in place for all game activities. Responsible for collecting and providing the script for announcements, including sponsor recognition, program highlights, and merchandise sales to the Athletic Director. Serves as liaison between HHS and the Panther Football Club regarding game activities.
Communication & Fan Experience Coordinator
Responsible for updating and maintaining content on the Panther Football club website. Responsible for maintaining domain name ownership and taking appropriate steps to keep registration/ownership current. With the President’s assistance, responsible for coordination all structural and functional modifications to the Panther Football Club website. Responsible for updating rosters, player information, statistic, game schedules, ect. on website and social media outlets. Coordination of live stream and/or live updates of all games. Responsible for the communication of information such as upcoming events, schedules, game results, statistics, ect. to the Executive Board and the Panther Football Club membership (and the public, as appropriate) through the website and social media outlets. Help the Head Football coach with special event planning and execution such as media day, signing day, ect. Plan, coordinate, and execute fan experience activities for game day.
There are many Volunteer opportunities!
Help a little or a lot, all is Welcome!